José Carlos Marques

Politécnico de Leiria e CICSNOVA.IPLeiria, ESECS-IPL (IPL - CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria)

José Carlos Marques holds a PhD in Sociology. He is a Professor at Polythecnic Institute of Leiria and researcher at CICS.NOVA, Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences (unit Leiria). Areas of interests are: Portuguese migration flows, Portuguese diaspora, migrant’s integration, migrants’ transnational practices, migration policies, and highly skilled migration. His recent projects are on current Portuguese emigration flows, on discrimination practices in the labour market, and on emigrant engagement practices and policies. Research Interests: International Migrations. Portuguese Migrations. Highly-skilled Migrations. Migration Policies.


Most relevant recent publications: 2020 - Marques, J. C., Candeias, P., Góis, P., & Peixoto, J. (2020). Is the Segmented Skill Divide Perspective Useful in Migration Studies? Evidence from the Portuguese Case. Journal of International Migration and Integration. DOI: 2019 – Vieira, R., Marques, J., Silva, P., Vieira, A., & Margarido, C. (orgs.) (2019). O Olhar de Crianças e Jovens. Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social, Porto, Afrontamento (ISBN: 978-972-36-1777-1). 2019 – Marques, J. C. & Góis, P. (2020, no prelo). Migrações e desigualdades: o caso português. In A. Borralho, A. C. Palos, F. Diogo, & G. Rocha (orgs.), Desigualdades Sociais – perspetivas e mudanças. Edições Húmus. 2019 – Marques, J. C., Vieira, A. & Vieira, R. (2019). Migration and integration processes in Portugal: the role of intercultural mediation. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 12(2), 187-205. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0388. 2018 – Valadas, C., Góis, P. & Marques, J. C. (2018). Migrants’ chances or choices in a sub-protective welfare regime?. Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i Dyskusje (Problems in Social Policy), 43(4), 65-83. 2018 – Góis, P., & Marques, J. C. (2018). Retrato de um Portugal migrante: a evolução da emigração, da imigração e do seu estudo nos últimos 40 anos. e-cadernos ces [online], 29, 125-151. Disponível em: 2018/19 – Góis, P., & Marques, J. C. (coords.) (2018). Discriminação no recrutamento e acesso ao mercado de trabalho de imigrantes e portugueses de origem estrangeira. Lisboa: OI/ACM. (ISBN: 978-989-685-095-1). Most recente research projectos Coordinator of the project ‘Experiences and expectations of return of new Portuguese emigrants: reintegration and mobilities’ (PTDC/SOC-SOC/28730/2017) 2016-2018 – Researcher in the project ‘Empreender 2020 – the return of a qualified generation’ (funded by Fundação AEP and Portugal 2020) 2015-2017 – Co-coordinator of the project ‘Mapping of the current Portuguese Emigration’ (funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) 2013-2015 – Researcher in the project ‘Emigrant entrepreneurship in Andorra, London, Nice and Monaco’ (PTDC/HIS-HEC/120692/2010, coord. Ordelinda Barros) 2013-2015 – Researcher in the project ’Back to the future: new emigration and links to the Portuguese society’ (coord. João Peixoto) (PTDC/ATP-DEM/5152/2012, funded by FCT)

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