Joana Viana

Professora Auxiliar Convidada (Instituto de Educação - Universidade de Lisboa)

Joana Viana is Invited Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (IE-ULisboa). Collaborating researcher at UIDEF (IE-ULisboa) and associate researcher at Leiria centre of CICS.NOVA. PhD in Education in the area of Theory and Curriculum Development by the University of Lisbon, and a bachelor and master in Educational Sciences from the same university. She has been teaching and researching in the areas of curriculum and curriculum development, teacher training and educational technologies. Stands out the study on the ways of using digital technologies and their curricular integration in teaching and learning processes, in formal and non-formal contexts, in person and at distance, as well as the work developed within the scope of higher education pedagogy.

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