• Ócio, jogo e brincadeira

    aprendizagens e mediação intercultural

  • 8ª Conferência de MIIS

    Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social

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até 4 janeiro 2021

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27-28 novembro 2020

Ócio, Jogo e Brincadeira

A 8.ª conferência de Mediação Intercultural e Intervenção Social, a realizar online nos dias 27 e 28 de novembro de 2020, tem por tema Ócio, Jogo e Brincadeira: aprendizagens e mediação intercultural.

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Oradores Convidados

Carlos Neto

Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa


Carlos Neto

Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa

Carlos Alberto Ferreira Neto is Full Professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH) of the University of Lisbon (UL). Currently he is President of the Casa da Praia-Centro Doutor João dos Santos. He was an effective member of the General Council of the University of Lisbon (2015-2017). President of FMH (January 2010 to July 2014), he is currently member of the Department of Sport and Health and of the Laboratory of Motor Behaviour.
Physical Education Instructor at the School of Physical Education of Lisbon (1971); Graduated in Physical Education (1975) by the National Institute of Physical Education, he was a professor at the Institute of Physical Education (1976 until 1984) and is currently a professor at the Faculty of Human Kinetics since 1985.
He teaches the Motor Development subjects in the different Sports Science degree courses, the Child Development Observation subject in the Psychomotor Rehabilitation Degree and the Physical Education I subject in the Master in Physical Education Teaching. He is coordinator of the Master in Child Development.
He also held several management positions at ISEF and FMH: Vice President of the Board of Directors; President of the Pedagogical Council; President of the Scientific Council (2 terms); President of the Assembly of Representatives (3 terms) and President of the Motor Development and Adaptation Laboratory and President of the Department of Kinetics Sciences.
He was the founder of the Physical Education Society, a member of several scientific journals and has published several works in scientific journals, book chapters and participated in several seminars, congresses and training actions on Physical Education and Sports, motor development and physical education teaching in early levels of education and play and child development.
The main lines of investigation are located in the study of the development of motor skills and the effects of teaching situations (1); child's play and development (2); life routines and independence of mobility in children and young people (3) and “Bullying” in school playground (recess) (4).
He was a member of the Coordinating Council of the Child Support Institute, having participated in the creation and coordination of the Playful Activity Group. He was founder and president of the International Society for Child Studies (SIEC), and is a Portuguese representative of the “International Play Association (IPA). In Lisbon (1999) he organized the “XIV IPA World Conference” (Play and Community), in 1997 the “20th International Congress” (Play and Society) of the ICCP (International Council of Children´s Play) and in 2008 the 4th International Conference of Violence in School.
Between 1998 – 2003 he was coordinator of the Lisbon team (FMH) of the international project, “TMR Network Project - Nature and Prevention of Bullying: the causes and nature of bullying and social exclusion in schools, and ways of preventing them”.
He is the author of the books “Game and Child Development”, “Kinetics and Childhood Game”, Topics in development in Childhood and adolescence” and “Playing in Cascais”

M. Belén Caballo Villar

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


M. Belén Caballo Villar

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

M. Belén Caballlo Villar holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, with an extraordinary doctoral award (1997). Since 1996, I have been part of the teaching and research staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of the University of Santiago, in which I have been Full Professor of Social Pedagogy since 2003. Currently I focus my teaching on the Degree in Social Education and the Master's Degree in Research in Education, cultural diversity and community development.
I am an initial member of the Research Group on Social Pedagogy and Environmental Education (SEPA-interea, GI-1447 de la USC) - established in 1999 - and I continue to develop my work within this team, recognized by the Government of Galicia as a Reference Group Competitive in the Galician University System.
So far, I have participated in the research team of almost 30 projects (autonomous, national and international) and/or research contracts, assuming the status of IP on several occasions. Currently, I co-lead the project "Education and reconciliation for equity: analysis of its impact on school and social times of childhood", funded in competitive call by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the FEDER Funds (Project: RTI2018-094764 -B-100).
Throughout my professional career, I have focused my research and publications on the following topics: Social Education; socio-educational and cultural policies in local community development; educating cities; educational times, social times and leisure pedagogy.
I also highlight my continued commitment to university management, assuming responsibilities in different fields: Secretary of the Department of Theory of Education, History of Education and Social Pedagogy (1997-2002, 2013-2015); Secretary of the Faculty of Education Sciences (2002-2010); Coordinator of different PhD programs (1998-2001); Secretary of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Education (2013- 2018) and Board member from 2018 to present; Coordinator of the Degree in Social Education (2011-2013); representative in the university cloister by the PDI sector (2014-2018).

Bruno Trindade

Técnico Superior Animação Sociocultural


Bruno Trindade

Técnico Superior Animação Sociocultural


Diana de Vallescar

Interpontos: coaching, formação, mediação intercultural


Diana de Vallescar

Interpontos: coaching, formação, mediação intercultural

Diana de Vallescar is a Coach, an independent trainer.
PhD in Intercultural Thought (2000, Universidad Complutense Madrid-Missio, Germany); Post-Doctorate in Educational Technology (2015, Universidade Aberta, Portugal); Coaching, certified by ICC-Spain (2017).
More than 20 years dedicated to training, advising and intercultural mediation at national and international level through courses, conferences, workshops, publications, etc., integrating ICT and coaching. Higher Education Teacher, author of 6 books and more than 70 specialized articles.
With international work experience, in different contexts and varied projects, from several countries: Spain, Mexico, Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Israel, Argentina, Netherlands, Turkey, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Finland, South Korea, India, Angola, Costa Rica, Philippines.

Joana Viana

Professora Auxiliar Convidada


Joana Viana

Professora Auxiliar Convidada


João Amado

Universidade de Coimbra e mentor e coordenador da Escola do Brinquedo Tradicional Popular, Loureiro/ Cernache/Coimbra


João Amado

Universidade de Coimbra e mentor e coordenador da Escola do Brinquedo Tradicional Popular, Loureiro/ Cernache/Coimbra

João Amado is an Associate Professor with Aggregation, Retired, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He was also professor of Philosophy in Secondary Education, Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon. Doctorate, with Aggregation, in Educational Sciences, he conducted several subjects, coordinated and participated in several national and international research projects and was the author and co-author of books, book chapters, articles and communications on topics such as indiscipline and violence in school, bullying and cyberbullying, epistemology of educational sciences, qualitative research methodology, higher education pedagogy, ethnography and childhood history. In 2016 he received the Outstanding Qualitative Book Award Spanish or Portuguese Language Book, attributed to the Handbook for Qualitative Research in Education (Press from the University of Coimbra, 2013, 2014, 2017), of which he is coordinator and co-author, awarded by the International Congress of Qualitative Inquire. Since 1980, he has maintained attention and interest in the traditional playful heritage of childhood in the mentioned research areas, having published several works (books, chapters, articles) on popular traditional games and toys, of which the books stand out: Universe of Popular Toys (2002; 2007) and Popular Traditional Toys: Heritage and Childhood Memories (2020). He is currently a mentor and coordinator of the School of Traditional Popular Toy, a community experience carried out in collaboration with the Sports and Recreational Association of Loureiro (village in the parish of Cernache/Coimbra) with the aim of preserving, musealization and disseminating a collection made up of materials and documents referring to that type of toys whose particularity is that they were made by the children themselves, in line with a tradition that is simultaneously universal and millenary.

Rui Matos

Coordenador do CIEQV/Leiria


Rui Matos

Coordenador do CIEQV/Leiria



Ações de formação reconhecidas na modalidade de curta duração para educadores de infância e Professores do ensino básico e secundário.

Submissão de resumos


Resultado da avaliação de resumos

até 20 de setembro 2020

Inscrição (Tarifa Reduzida)

até 1 de outubro 2020

Submissão de texto final

prazo alargado até 4 de janeiro 2021

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